We are thrilled to now offer Massage on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday at Breeze Health. Experts Charlotte and Emilie are the massage therapists to share the feel good factor. Trained in all muscular issues and passionate about thier work, they are two of the best massage therapist we have met. We offer a 60 minute session for £55. 30 Minutes £35.
We asked “what massage do, and tell us the science.”, in a nut shell  “Massage increases the blood and lymph circulation to the skin, underlying muscle and tissue.” Sounds good already and there is more. “Oxygen 

enriched blood aids the healing of damaged tissue and speeds up the elimination of toxins. Blood pressure is lowered, the pulse rate slows, and muscle tension is released. The mind is calmed, anxiety reduced and depression is lifted.” For us science types we know while more research is needed to confirm the benefits of massage, some studies have found massage may also be helpful for anything from anxiety to insomnia.


Beyond the benefits for specific conditions or diseases, most people just enjoy massage because it can produce feelings of caring, comfort and connection.

All our massage therapists here are trained in multiple skills and will bespoke your treatment to what suits you best. As always, be aware that it is a manual therapy and so look at What To Expect when you visit Breeze Health, appropriate clothing etc. 

Fancy a massage on a Tuesday instead,  we have you covered at our Rickmansworth branch. Just call reception 01923 896655 for Rickmanworth

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