Personal Training


Two great options:
We are proud to announce our own osteopath Paul Harrison, who as well as being a talented Osteopath is also a Thai Chai teacher. Combining his skills, he now runs a body mechanic class at Breeze Health. These 30-minute sessions are designed to be a maximum of 1 to three people. Thursday at 7pm. 
Second, we work with multiple PTs outside the practice, but all are assessed by us. If you are looking for fitness, health, awareness of injury, and rehab, we have you covered. 

Personal training at Breeze is simple. You call us, we assess and we start you on a one off or program, What is it you want?, what would make you fitter, healthier and stronger. At Breeze, we know the science, we have the skills and most importantly the passion to get you not just average but the best self you can be

Psychology of Pain
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